Calgonate® HF Spill Kits
All Spill Kits include Calgonate® Calcium Gluconate Gel. Photos may vary from specific product brands, colors, etc. as supplies are updated from time to time. Specifics regarding any currently shipping component will be provided upon request.
Per-Person (Single Bucket) Configuration...
Notes: Both sizes available in the USA. "Per-Person" Spill Kits also available for delivery in Canada.
This single 5-gallon bucket contains the personal protection equipment and supplies for one person to safely neutralize and dispose of a hydrofluoric acid spill at your facility.
1 - HF Spill Kit Reference Sheet
1 - Calgonate Gel (25g tube)
1 - Sterile Eyewash (4oz bottle)
3 - HF Acid Neutralizing Pellets (1.5 lb bottles w/ instructions)*
1 - ½ Mask Respirator
1 - Organic vapor/acid gas Cartridge (2 pack)
1 - Splash Goggles — indirect vented
1 pair - Nitrile Gloves (lg)
1 pair - Haz-Mat Boot Covers
3 - Scrapers
1 - Scoop w/ brush
3 - Chemical Sorbent Pads
1 - Neoprene Apron
1 - pH test paper (roll, approx 100 tests)
2 - Bags, 18”x32” “Caution — Hazardous”
1 - 5 Gal Bucket + re-seal lid
*As of June 2022, KOLOR-LOCK® powder is replaced with HF ACID EATER neutralizing, absorbing pellets.
2-Bucket Configuration...
This kit consists of 2 bright 5-gallon buckets, containing personal protection equipment for 2 people and the products to neutralize and clean up hydrofluoric acid spills.

Bucket #1
1 - HF Spill Kit Reference Sheet
2 - Calgonate Gel, 25g tubes
2 - Sterile Eyewash (4oz bottles)
6 - HF Acid Neutralizing Pellets (1.5 lb bottles w/ instructions)*
1 - pH test paper (roll, approx 100 tests)
4 - Bags, 18”x32” “Caution — Hazardous”
1 - 5 Gal Bucket + re-seal lid
*As of July 2022, KOLOR-LOCK® powder is replaced with HF ACID EATER neutralizing, absorbing pellets.

Bucket #2
2 - ½ Mask Respirator
2 - Organic vapor/acid gas Cartridge (2 pack)
2 - Splash Goggles — indirect vented
2 pair - Nitrile Gloves (lg)
2 pair - Haz-Mat Boot Covers
2 - Neoprene Apron
3 - Scrapers
2 - Scoop w/ brush
8 - Chemical Sorbent Pads
1 - 5 Gal Bucket + re-seal lid